A Cut Above The Rest: How This Vancouver Fire Department Quickly Resolves Stuck Ring Challenges

Fire Rescue Uniforms

An Unmet Need: Effective Ring Removal Tools

Amid the complex machinery and life-saving procedures in the industry, this North Vancouver Fire Department struggled to find an answer to their stuck ring challenges. Recognizing a need for reliable tools that do the job and prioritize safety, Joel Urbani, Emergency Vehicle Technician at North Vancouver Fire, set out to find a solution.

The Quest for Better Ring Removal Tools

Like many professionals who find themselves removing stuck rings, Urbani recalls the traditional manual methods of ring removal to be inadequate for the job.

“Previously our emergency ring removal tools consisted of the typical hand crank ring cutters with a steel disc for soft metals, a Dremel tool with copper strips to protect the patient's hand for hard metals and a variety of pliers” states Urbani.

While a seemingly simple procedure, these traditional ring removal tools fell short and put both patients and providers at risk. With his crew’s dissatisfaction clear, Urbani purchased the Ring Rescue Compression Device in Fall 2020. 

While the Compression Device is an effective solution for some stuck ring cases, it did not completely satisfy the stuck ring problems they face. As Urbani explains, “We found that a majority of patients would rather have the ring cut off which led us back to the problem of using tools the crews weren’t completely happy with”. 

The department was once again on the hunt for an effective solution to this common problem. 

A Promising Stuck Ring Solution 

With the non-destructive removal option secured, the final piece of the ring removal puzzle was to find an effective and safe method for ring cutting. Enter — the Dolphin Ring Cutter.

Theresa, a Ring Rescue Sales Representative, introduced the Ring Rescue Kit and Dolphin to the Vancouver department and showcased the innovative features. “One demo and I knew this device would solve a lot of our problems, says Urbani.

The department purchased the Ring Rescue Kit and, coincidentally, they had a stuck ring call the day after it arrived.

The Delivery Day Debut — Dolphin Ring Cutter

A true testament to the Dolphin’s efficacy came sooner than the Department had expected. 

“The day we took delivery of the Dolphin we had a ring removal call” Urbani describes. “Other than having seen Theresa’s demo and the videos online I grabbed the Dolphin and went with the crew to the call. The Dolphin was easy to use and performed flawlessly. The ergonomic shape of the tool that allows you to rest it in a position that keeps the patient and users hands in a comfortable position is a huge positive. It’s quiet and the ring stays cool which is great for patient comfort.”

In an industry known for its high safety standards and tough critics, there were no complaints from Urbani’s crew. The Dolphin's user-friendly nature and ability to deliver consistent results with minimal training further solidified its position as the answer to the department's ring removal challenges.

Minimize the Hassle and Provide Quality Patient Care

Fire and EMS professionals are often the last line of defence when no one else can solve a problem – that’s why they need the right tools for the job to deliver the quality care patients expect.

This story highlights the immense value of providing crews with tools that are not only highly effective, but also easy to implement. As Joel Urbani wisely puts it, "A new tool that does not require a lot of finesse or training is great."

With the Ring Rescue Kit, departments can standardize ring removal with purpose-built, adaptable tools that allow a single user to remove any stuck ring, safely and efficiently, regardless of the ring metal. 

Ring Rescue Kit for Ring Removal Toolkit on shelf

Prepare for Any Stuck Ring Challenge with the Complete Ring Removal Toolkit


Ring Rescue's Electric Ring Cutter Featured in JEMS Case Report


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